Slides for Lectures
Slide pdfs are linked to the talk title and are listed below in alphabetical order of the speaker. If your slide does not appear and you have submitted it or if you wish to submit your slide please email | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- Andrews, Uri - Computability of Strongly Minimal Groups
- Behounek, Libor - Naive Set Theory Over the Logic ITML
- Bienvenu, Laurent - Von Neumann's Biased Coin Revisited
- Brendle, Joerg - Mad Families Constructed From Perfect Almost Disjoint Families
- Bunder, Martin - The Simplest Foundation for Logic and Mathematics
- Burdick, Bruce - A Topological Game With Set-Theoretic Consequences
- Cai, Mingzhong - A Generalized High Degree With the Finite Maximal Chain Property
- Calude, Cristian - How Random is Quantum Randomness?
- Case, John
- Tutorial Example of a Self-Learning Class Witnessing the Power of Data Counters
- Non-Obfuscated Yet Unprovable Programs - Chen, Yijia
- Basic Descriptive Complexity
- The Parameterized Complexity of k-Edge Induced Subgraphs - Cintula, Petr - Almost (MP)-Based Logics
- Cresswell, Max - Topics in the Pre-History of Possible-Worlds Semantics
- Day, Adam - A Random Turing Degree
- Dent, James - An Introduction to Constructive Reverse Mathematics
- Detlefsen, Michael - Cantorian Freedom
- Diamondstone, David - Inherent Enumerability of Strong Jump-Traceability
- Dzhafarov, Damir - Computably Enumerable Partial Orders
- Fellows, Michael - Constructive and Non-constructive Aspects of WQOs
- Feng, Shiguang - Complexity and Expressive Power of Second-Order Extended Horn Logic
- Fouche, Willem - Martin-L\" of Randomness, Invariant Measures and Countable Homogeneous Structures
- Freer, Cameron - Aspects of Randomness in Analysis, Graph Theory, and Probability Theory
- Fresco, Nir - What is Information Processing?
- Fuchino, Sakae - On Reflection of Countable List Chromatic Number of Graphs
- Gao, Su - Colorings on Countable Groups
- Girard, Patrick - Being Flexible About Ceteris Paribus Reasoning
- Goldblatt, Rob - Program Equivalence is Highly Undecidable in Dynamic Logic
- Goldbring, Isaac - Definability in Metric Structures
- Greenberg, Noam
- Strong Jump-Traceability
- Computable Linear Orderings of Size - Grohe, Martin - Logical Aspects of Graphs
- Guohua, Wu - Variants of Constructions of Non-cuppable Degrees
- Higuchi, Kojiro - Non-empty Open Intervals of the Effectively Closed Muchnik Degrees
- Hodkinson, Ian - Sahlqvist Formulas in the Modal Mu-calculus
- Hoelzl, Rupert - The Denjoy Alternative for Computable Functions
- Huiling, Zhu - Distributive Proper Forcing Axiom
- Kach, Asher - Orders on Computable Torsion-Free Abelian Groups
- Kachapova, Farida - The Relative Consistency of an Intuitionistic Theory With Functionals
- Kihara, Takayuki - Topological aspects of the degrees of difficulty of
- Kikyo, Hirotaka - On Superstable Generic Structures
- Kowalski, Tomasz - Relation Algebras and Relevant Logic
- Li, Wei -
Induction and d-r.e. Degrees
- Liu, Jiamou - The Isomorphism Problem for Automatic Structures With Some Transitive Relations
- Makowsky, Johann - Why Shall we Study Graph Polynomials?
- Manyem, Prabhu - ESO Universal Horn logic: Expressions at Machine Level Versus Structure Level
- Mares, Edwin - The Converse of Deducibility
- Mayhew, Dillon - A Hierarchy of Matroid Descriptions
- McKubre-Jordens, Maarten - Constructing Weak Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem
- Melnikov, Alexander - Interactions of Computability and Effective Group Theory
- Miyabe, Kenshi - Characterization of Kurtz Randomness by a Differentiation Theorem
- Morphett, Anthony - Promptness, Randomness, Capping and Cupping
- Newman, Mike - Axiomatic Descriptions of Real-representable Matroids
- Ng, Selwyn - Generalizations of Computable Domination and Effectively Closed Sets
- Nies, Andre - Measuring the Complexity of a Delta-2 set via its Changes
- Ono, Hiroakira - Algebraic Perspective on Nonclassical Logics
- Reimann, Jan - Algorithmic Independence and PA Degrees
- Reimann, Jennifer - Distances on Graphs and Other Approximable Functions
- Reis, Teofilo - A Topos-theoretic Approach to Paraconsistent Possibilistic Logic
- Restall, Greg - Logical Constants, Sequent Structures and Speech Acts: The Case of Modal Operators
- Rini, Adriane - No Scope for Aristotle
- Rute, Jason - Computable Randomness for Arbitrary Measure Spaces
- Sakai, Hiroshi - Chang's Conjecture and Weak Square
- Sargsyan, Grigor - The Solovay Hierarchy
- Sela, Zlil - The Elementary Theory of Free and Other Groups
- Seligman, Jeremy - Ceteris Paribus: A flexible approach
- Shiu, Shu-He - Fitch's Paradox and Anti-realism
- Smith, Nicholas - Fuzzy Logic, Probability and Degree of Belief
- Suguitani, Leandro - Beyond the Limits of Relation Algebra
- Suzuki, Toshio - Resource-bounded Randomness and Computable Dowd-type Generic Sets
- Tadaki, Kohtaro - Robustness of Statistical Mechanical Interpretation of Algorithmic Information Theory
- Testa, Rafael - External Revision Operation in Belief Sets via Paraconsistency
- Thomas, Simon - The Descriptive set Theory of Unitary Group Representations
- Tsai, Hsing-chien - Finite Inseparability of Some Strong Mereological Theories
- Tsuboi, Akito - Indiscernible Trees
- Turetsky, Daniel - Computably Categorical Structures
- Verdee, Peter - Minimizing Inconsistent Instances of Unrestricted Comprehension
- Wang, Wei - M5 is Embeddable into the c.e. ibT Degrees
- Whittle, Geoff - Fractal Classes of Matroids