New Zealand Statistical Association

NZSA 2009

Victoria University of Wellington

Contributed Talks

The following people contributed abstracts for presentations, which were given at the NZSA 2009 Conference. Speakers are listed in alphabetical order, using last names. Contributed presentations were of 20 minutes total duration per paper, which included (at least) 2 minutes for questions. Full written papers were not required.

Abstracts for the Statistical Education Workshops and Talks are given here too, below the abstracts for the regular conference presentations.

Conference Talks

Statistical Education Talks

Statistical Education Workshops

Workshops were either 30 minutes in length or up to one hour; 30 minutes for workshops presented before the Statistical Education Talks and up to one hour for those presented after the Talks.

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Page Updated: 15 Jun 2009 by haywoodj. © Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, unless otherwise stated. Header image used and relicensed under Creative Commons. Original author: Djof.