Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics: Present and future?
A plenary session on the future of the
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics ran from
1.00-2.00pm on Thursday 3 September 2009 in Cotton Lecture Theatre LT122, Victoria University of Wellington. The session was
chaired by Ian Westbrooke (Department of Conservation, Christchurch).
There were four speakers (three 12-15 minute slots for Steve, Sue and Murray and one 5 minute slot for Roger), in the following order.
- Steve Haslett (Massey University, Palmerton North), the ANZJS Managing Editor:
- a focus on the current situation with ANZJS and plans for the future content of the journal.
- Roger Littlejohn (AgResearch, Invermay Agricultural Centre), ANZJS Management Committee member:
- a 5 minute slot for a brief update on ANZJS finances.
- Sue Wilkins (RSNZ), Publishing Operations Manager at the Royal Society of New Zealand:
- an overview of the changing journal environment internationally, and particularly for journals based in NZ and Australia
- briefly outline RSNZ plans for the journals it publishes
- thoughts on the issues facing constituent RSNZ societies like NZSA that publish journals (jointly with SSAI in our case).
- Murray Jorgensen (University of Waikato), current ANZJS Management Committee member and previously Editor of the New Zealand Statistician, then Applications Editor of ANZJS:
- an outline of personal views on some options for future publishing models for the ANZJS.
Short questions were taken immediately after each speaker, with time reserved for broader discussion at the end.
A report on the session will be published in the
NZSA newsletter, following the conference.