New Zealand Statistical Association

NZSA 2009

Victoria University of Wellington

Student Participation

Post-Conference NEWS: Student Prize Results

Best talks
1st equal: Tilman Davies: On adaptive kernel estimates of spatially dependent disease risk and
Ting Wang: Hidden Markov models and mutual information investigation of possible link between GPS measurements and earthquakes
3rd place: Keng-Hao Chang: Robust regression using nonparametric scale normal mixtures

Best poster: Lisa Woods: A probabilistic method of tectonic stress estimation

Thanks to offlode for providing NZ$1000 in student prizes, and for presenting those prizes at the conference dinner.

The NZSA has some funds available to support students at New Zealand Universities traveling to the conference. The amount available depends on how many students apply and the distance each has to travel. To be sure of consideration, any student interested in travel support should contact Roger Littlejohn before 14 August.

Students are encouraged to present either a talk (but the programme of talks is now full, as of 8 August) or a poster; please look over the information about Poster Presentations and email as soon as possible (and certainly by 21 August) if you want to present a poster at NZSA 2009.

Students only pay half the fees of other NZSA members, for both the conference and the workshop; any students who are not already members of NZSA get free membership for one year, which includes four issues of the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics.

Student Prizes
Offlode are providing NZ$1000 in student prizes, to be awarded to the top student presentations; talks and posters are both eligible.

Young Statisticians' Breakfast/Networking Session

There was a Young Statisticians' Breakfast/Networking Session on the morning of Thursday 3 September, 8.15-9.00am in the Foyer of Maclaurin building - the location for all the conference food/refreshments. This session was kindly sponsored by Statistics New Zealand, and was for students and career-young statisticians.
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