New Zealand Statistical Association

NZSA 2009

Victoria University of Wellington

Semiparametric Regression Workshop - 1 September 2009

A Short Course by Professor Matt Wand (University of Wollongong, Australia)

Short Course Overview

Semiparametric regression is concerned with the flexible incorporation of nonlinear functional relationships in regression analyses. Assuming only a basic familiarity with ordinary regression, this short-course explains the techniques and benefits of semiparametric regression in a concise and modular fashion. Spline functions, linear mixed models and Bayesian hierarchical models are shown to play an important role in semiparametric regression. There will be a strong emphasis on implementation in R and BUGS. The short-course is based on the book 'Semiparametric Regression' by D. Ruppert, M.P. Wand and R.J. Carroll (Cambridge University Press, 2003).


The short-course is divided into six sessions, as follows. The average session length is about 45 minutes, with two sessions in each of three 90 minute blocks. For the location of the rooms below, please see the VUW Campus Map (pdf). Signs will be out to help with directions on the day.

8.30am onwards: Registration - Maclaurin building, Foyer

9.00-10.30am: Sessions 1 and 2 - Cotton building, room CO LT122

Session 1: Spline smoothing and generalised additive models

Session 2: Linear mixed model approach

10.30-11.00am: Coffee/tea break - Maclaurin building, Foyer

11.00am-12.30pm: Sessions 3 and 4 - Cotton building, room CO LT122

Session 3: Bayesian hierarchical model approach

Session 4: Additive mixed models

12.30-2.00pm: Lunch - Maclaurin building, Foyer

2.00-3.30pm: Sessions 5 and 6 - Cotton building, room CO LT122

Session 5: Bivariate smoothing

Session 6: Non-standard semiparametric regression

3.30pm onwards: Coffee/tea (until about 4pm in the Maclaurin building, Foyer) and then more networking/socialising...

About the Presenter

Matt Wand is a Research Professor in Statistics at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He has held faculty appointments at Harvard University, Rice University, Texas A&M University and University of New South Wales. Professor Wand is an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and was awarded the P.A.P. Moran Medal for statistical research. He has served as an associate editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrika and Statistica Sinica.

Registration and Location

The workshop will be held at Victoria University of Wellington in the Cotton building, room CO LT122; see VUW Campus Map (pdf). Further details concerning registration and costs are available; further inquiries to
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