Photo by Michael Welsh

38ACCMCC 1-5 Dec 2014

The 38th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing was held at Victoria University of Wellington, between Monday 1 December and Friday 5 December in 2014.

Slides from conferences talks can be found in this folder. You can also see Michael Welsh's photos of the conference. To update, add, or remove your slides or photos, email Dillon Mayhew.

There are some resources available from Molly Melhuish's talk on her father, Hassler Whitney.


The invited speakers are:

Registration closed on Monday 10 November

Contributed Talks

Registered participants can submit an abstract for a contributed talk of 25 minutes duration (including time for questions). The Contributed Talks page has information on how to submit your abstract. The deadline for abstract submission is Friday 21 November.

Wireless Access

You are encouraged to use the eduroam wireless network if your home institution provides you with access. Otherwise, you are able to use the Victoria_Guest network (you will need to refresh your login after one hour).


The conference will be held at the Kelburn Campus of Victoria University.

This map shows various 38ACCMCC locations, including some dining suggestions.

Car parking

There is a very small number of car parks for conference attendees, available on request from the organiser. We may not be able to satisfy every request, and priority will be given to out-of-town attendees.

Conference Invitation Letters for VISA requirements

If you require a conference invitation letter please email Ginny Whatarau. You will not receive a letter unless you have confirmed your registration.


Ginny Whatarau and Dillon Mayhew are members of the organising committee. You can email with any queries.


Supported by Victoria University of Wellington, the Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia, and the New Zealand Mathematical Society.

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Logos.pngpng Logos.png manage 139 K 09 Sep 2014 - 08:36 Main.mayhew  
accmcc-group.jpgjpg accmcc-group.jpg manage 1 MB 10 Dec 2014 - 08:27 Main.mayhew