Quantum physics module:

Instructions for 2013 Trimester 2:

If you are doing the quantum physics applied math module at 300 level (Math 321/322/323) in Trimester 2 then read the notes and instructions below, and hand all six assignments in to me by the last day of classes: Friday 18 October 2013.

This date is NOT flexible.

Also make arrangements with me to sit a one-hour exam during the last week of classes --- the week of Monday 14 October to Friday 18 October.


If you are doing the quantum physics applied math module at 400 level (Math 466 or 467) then you also need to do assignment 5, see below or see the MATH 466/467 home pages.

Honours students only (Math 466/467):

Honours students should read and understand the attached scientific article on "Compound transfer matrices", and then do assignment 5.

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Boonserm-Visser-JMP.pdfpdf Boonserm-Visser-JMP.pdf manage 810 K 12 Mar 2012 - 11:59 Main.visser Compound transfer matrices JMP-2012
QM-2013-1.pdfpdf QM-2013-1.pdf manage 66 K 27 Feb 2013 - 12:59 Main.visser QM Assignment 1 for 2013
QM-2013-2.pdfpdf QM-2013-2.pdf manage 72 K 27 Feb 2013 - 13:00 Main.visser QM assignment 2 for 2013
QM-2013-3.pdfpdf QM-2013-3.pdf manage 57 K 27 Feb 2013 - 13:01 Main.visser QM assignment 3 for 2003
QM-2013-4.pdfpdf QM-2013-4.pdf manage 56 K 27 Feb 2013 - 13:01 Main.visser QM assignment 4 for 2003
QM-2013-5.pdfpdf QM-2013-5.pdf manage 73 K 27 Feb 2013 - 13:02 Main.visser QM assignment 5 for 2013
QM-notes-2013.pdfpdf QM-notes-2013.pdf manage 428 K 27 Feb 2013 - 13:10 Main.visser QM notes for 2013
QM-project-2013.pdfpdf QM-project-2013.pdf manage 43 K 27 Feb 2013 - 12:54 Main.visser QM module description for 2013