Welcome to MATH 32X Cartesian tensors module ('Tensors' for short) for 2013. Lecture notes and assignments will be posted here in due course.

Euan Smith x 6422 CO 517 euan.smith@vuw.ac.nz

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2013_Tensors_unofficial_grades.pdfpdf 2013_Tensors_unofficial_grades.pdf manage 71 K 23 May 2013 - 10:09 Main.smitheu_STAFF_VUW_AC_NZ Tensors module 2013 unofficial grades
M323_tensors_and_DEs_geophys_2013_outline_130207.pdfpdf M323_tensors_and_DEs_geophys_2013_outline_130207.pdf manage 12 K 01 Mar 2013 - 12:46 Main.smitheu_STAFF_VUW_AC_NZ MATH 323 etc 1 page summary for Cartesian Tensors and PDEs for Earth Science
MATH323_tensors_essay_2013.docxdocx MATH323_tensors_essay_2013.docx manage 14 K 15 Apr 2013 - 16:09 Main.smitheu_STAFF_VUW_AC_NZ Tensors' module essay topic. Essay due 29/4/13
MATH_323__Tensors_Ch_1_2013.pdfpdf MATH_323__Tensors_Ch_1_2013.pdf manage 130 K 01 Mar 2013 - 12:47 Main.smitheu_STAFF_VUW_AC_NZ Math323 etc Cartesian Tensors Chapter 1 notes
MATH_323__Tensors_Ch_2_2013.pdfpdf MATH_323__Tensors_Ch_2_2013.pdf manage 210 K 17 Mar 2013 - 12:58 Main.smitheu_STAFF_VUW_AC_NZ MATH 32X Cartesian Tensors Chapter 2
Math_323_2013_assignments_and_tutorial_exercises.pdfpdf Math_323_2013_assignments_and_tutorial_exercises.pdf manage 58 K 01 Mar 2013 - 12:49 Main.smitheu_STAFF_VUW_AC_NZ Math 323 etc Cartesian Tensors assignments and tutorial exercises