NZSA 2024 — Programme

The Conference programme is given below. Clicking on the title of a presentation will open the abstract in a new tab.

All talks are in the three lecture theatres within the Maclaurin (MC) building, and all food plus refreshments will be served in the Maclaurin building Foyer. For more details on that location, please see the Victoria University of Wellington Kelburn Campus Map (pdf).

The last speaker in each contributed session is the Session Chair – unless a session only has student presenters, in which case the chair will not be a speaker. Please make sure all contributed talks keep to time: a total of 20 minutes for each talk, including a couple of minutes for questions. We have a busy schedule and some people may wish to swap between rooms at changeover times during the sessions.

Presenters are responsible for ensuring their talk is 'ready to go' when their session starts – please set up at the latest by the end of the refreshment break before each session. PDF and PowerPoint presentations should both work with no problems, directly from a USB. Connections for personal laptops are available too, if necessary.

Please note the NZSA 2024 Timetable also has a brief outline of events on the three days.

Monday 2 December

Time Event and Location
12.00-1:00pm Conference Registration and Lunch: Maclaurin building, Foyer
1:00-1.15pm Karakia, Formal Welcome and Housekeeping: MC LT103
Karakia: Tu Temara, Mata Awhinuke, Marae o te Herenga Waka
Welcome Speech: Professor Margaret Hyland, Deputy V-C (Research), Victoria University of Wellington
Housekeeping: John Haywood
1.15-2.05pm Plenary Session 1: MC LT103. Chair: John Haywood
Alan Welsh: Double descent and noise in fitting linear regression models
2.05-2.10pm Short Break (5 minutes)
Time Session A1: MC LT101
Chair: Ivy Liu
Session A2: MC LT102
Chair: Matt Parry
Session A3: MC LT103
Chair: Ian Westbrooke
2.10-2.30pm Student Talk Jessica Allen: Statistical modelling of slow and fast earthquakes in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand Student Talk Qingyu Meng: An explainable disease risk prediction model based on deep transfer learning using high-dimensional genomic data Timothy Bilton: Relatedness estimation in pooled samples sequenced using low-depth high-throughput methods
2.30-2.50pm Student Talk Oxana Hart: Using spatio-temporal models to investigate stock structure, seasonality and environment influences in the snapper population from the west coast of New Zealand Student Talk Wenqi Zhao: Extension of VGAM package Budhi Arta Surya: Maximum likelihood recursive state estimation
2.50-3.10pm Student Talk Alec van Helsdingen: Extending spatial capture-recapture with the Hawkes process Student Talk Hengzhe Zhang: EvoFeat: Genetic programming-based feature engineering approach to tabular data Ian Westbrooke: What makes for a happy tramper?
3.10-3.40pm Afternoon Refreshments, sponsored by SAS New Zealand (30 minutes): Maclaurin building, Foyer
3.40-4.10pm Premium Sponsor's Presentation, SAS New Zealand: MC LT103. Chair: Ivy Liu
Joe Robins: The best minds of my generation are teaching machines to be convincingly wrong – how do we make this right?
Time Session B1: MC LT101
Chair: Matt Edwards
Session B2: MC LT102
Chair: Ciprian Doru Giurcăneanu
Session B3: MC LT103
Chair: Anna Fergusson
4.10-4.30pm Student Talk Amin Boumerdassi: Investigating the impact of gravitational wave glitches on the parameter estimation of extreme mass ratio inspirals Student Talk Guoping Hu: Forecasting multiple time series with graph convolutional networks Andrew Balemi: Teaching GLMS to undergraduates
4.30-4.50pm Student Talk Tarin Eccleston: Variational autoencoders for stellar core-collapse gravitational waves Student Talk Sajeeka Nanayakkara: Evaluating the predictive performance of regression and machine learning models for rare events: A simulation study on structural recurrence in thyroid cancer Liza Bolton: That's questionable: Designing and deploying effective models for generating multiple versions of auto-marked questions
4.50-5.10pm Student Talk Kang Wang: Galaxy cluster gas pressure profile modelling with reversible jump MCMC: A case study using Planck data Student Talk Hannah Yun: Advanced methods for time series data applied to prediction of operating modes for wind turbines John Harraway: Motivational resources for training in statistics
5.10-5.30pm Matt Edwards: A novel stacked hybrid autoencoder for imputing data gaps in the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Ciprian Doru Giurcăneanu: Dissimilarity measures for time series Anna Fergusson: Lost (and found) in translation: Examining the diversity and impact of languages selected on student responses to a statistical investigation of automated language translation

Tuesday 3 December

Time Session C1: MC LT101
Chair: Alan Bentley
Session C2: MC LT102
Chair: Alain Vandal
Session C3: MC LT103
Chair: Xun Xiao
9.00-9.20am Student Talk Tori Diamond: Novel applications of linked administrative data – adding longitudinal capability to the Te Kupenga survey Student Talk Soyoon Annie Park: Investigating the effect of repeated patients in surgical outcomes research Student Talk Mario Prado: Navigating the maze of multi-omics methods for classification including microbiome data
9.20-9.40am Student Talk Ying Cui: Semi-supervised model-based clustering for ordinal response data Student Talk Angeline Xiao: Evaluating the impact of timely access to concussion services on patient outcomes in Aotearoa Student Talk Janet Stacey: State of the nation: Accessibility of vaping products in New Zealand
9.40-10.00am Student Talk Bradley Drayton: Variance estimators for mixed effects proportional hazards models fitted to complex samples Student Talk Siwei Zhai: Childhood risk and resilience factors for Pasifika youth respiratory health: Accounting for attrition and missingness Student Talk WITHDRAWN Zehua Zang: Branching processes with detection: Probabilistic analysis
10.00-10.20am WITHDRAWN Gabriele Frigerio Porta: A statistician in the public sector Claudia Rivera-Rodriguez: Sampling small older populations: Methods and challenges of a dementia prevalence study Robin Willink: A logical contradiction when considering an unknown constant to have a probability density function
10.20-10.40am Alan Bentley: Introducing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s new business expectations survey Alain C. Vandal: Reporting randomised factorial trial results: the Topical Analgesia Post-Haemorrhoidectomy trial Xun Xiao: Learning cascading failure pattern in massive pipe network data: a plumber's guide
Time Event and Location
10.40-11.10am Morning Refreshments (30 minutes): Maclaurin building, Foyer
11.10am-12.00pm Plenary Session 2: MC LT103. Chair: Ivy Liu
Kate Kolich: Data leadership within and beyond your organisation
12.00-1.00pm Lunch (60 minutes): Maclaurin building, Foyer
1.00-2.20pm Inaugural live-streamed ANZJS Read Paper: MC LT103. Chair: Martin Hazelton
Marti Anderson: The incremental progression from fixed to random factors in the analysis of variance: a new synthesis (with discussion)
The Zoom link for the webinar session is:
2.20-2.25pm Short Break (5 minutes)
Time Session D1: MC LT101
Chair: Priya Parmar
Session D2: MC LT102
Chair: Thomas Lumley
Session D3: MC LT103
Chair: Tieta Vesty
2.25-2.45pm Student Talk Sam Preston: Understanding the lived experiences of impostor phenomenon among leaders in Mathematics and Statistics Student Talk Khan Buchwald: Comparisons between functional brain networks for schizophrenia and healthy case controls: A Bayesian network approach Amanda O'Connell, James Maguire, Roimata Timutimu: Methodology for Māori descent in the 2023 Census
2.45-3.05pm Student Talk Adam Glucksman: The subjective wellbeing of first-in-family university students: A multivariate re-evaluation of common narratives Student Talk Sarah Croft: A Bayesian close-kin mark-recapture model using pedigree reconstruction Walter Somerville, James Maguire, Roimata Timutimu: Methodology for iwi affiliation in the 2023 Census
3.05-3.25pm Priya Parmar: Identifying influential factors impacting trajectories of anxiety in adolescents experiencing adverse events Thomas Lumley: Speeding up design in Bayesian platform trials Tieta Vesty, Meenu Jose, Roimata Timutimu: Admin data quality for iwi affiliation in the 2023 Census
3.25-3.55pm Afternoon Refreshments (30 minutes): Maclaurin building, Foyer
3.55-5.15pm NZSA Annual General Meeting (AGM): MC LT103
6.00pm onwards Pre-dinner drinks (at your own cost) then Conference Dinner (cost included)
Harbourside Function Centre, Shed 22, 4 Taranaki St, Wellington

Wednesday 4 December

Time Event and Location
9.00-10.40am Plenary Sessions 3 and 4: MC LT103. Chair: Nokuthaba Sibanda
Ruth Shinoda: Insights, killer stats and impact
Kylie Reiri: Payment for Success: An introduction to how paying for social outcomes works, and the critical role of statisticians
10.40-11.10am Morning Refreshments (30 minutes): Maclaurin building, Foyer
Time Session E1: MC LT101
Chair: Charlotte Jones-Todd
Session E2: MC LT102
Chair: Lisa Chen
Session E3: MC LT103
Chair: James Curran
11.10-11.30am Bethany Macdonald: Improving minimum contrast for clustered processes Tom Elliott: Introducing rserve-ts: a modernised library for R-to-web communication Len Cook: Where missing values really matter for models in public policy – real life examples
11.30-11.50am Joane Elleouet: Predicting the size of any species' genome using the taxonomy tree Takafumi Kubota: Interactive visualization of suicide methods in Tokyo Japan Yongshi Deng: Vismi: Visualisation tools for multiple imputation
11.50am-12.10pm Martin Hazelton: Model-based priors for network tomography Simon Urbanek: Democratising interactive statistical graphics Robin Willink: A simple adjustment makes the Wilcoxon rank-sum/Mann-Whitney test uniformly more powerful
12.10-12.30pm Charlotte Jones-Todd: Accounting for social networks in a self-exciting point process model Lisa Chen: Is AI eating data scientists' lunch? James Curran: What the Zeta!
12.30-1.30pm Lunch (60 minutes): Maclaurin building, Foyer
Time Session F1: MC LT101
Chair: Justin Murphy
Session F2: MC LT102
Chair: Mark Weatherall
Session F3: MC LT103
Chair: Rolf Turner
1.30-1.50pm Jamas Enright: Synthetic bridge over troubled data Thomas Yee: Heaping and seeping, GAITD regression and doubly constrained reduced rank vector generalized linear models, in smoking studies Alejandro C. Frery: Ordinal Patterns, features and their distribution
1.50-2.10pm Manori Wickramasinghe: Improving probabilistic linking in the IDI Alice Richardson: Trends in current smoking status at state-age-sex level in Australia: An application of multinomial multilevel time-series modelling Zhijian Wen: An adaptive polynomial baseline correction method in voltammetry with application to the prediction of the concentration of cocaine aptamer
2.10-2.30pm Justin Murphy: A tool to evaluate environmental trend estimation methods Mark Weatherall: Validation of clinically important differences for randomised controlled trials in asthma Rolf Turner: Pseudo analysis of variance of K-functions
2.30pm onwards David Vere-Jones Tribute by David Harte in MC LT103 then
Closing (John Haywood), followed by Afternoon Refreshments to help you on your way smile

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