Demography/Actuarial Science Workshop: 26 June 2013, 12.30-5.00pm
Workshop in Demography and Actuarial Science:
Methods and Practice
Quick Links: Venue | Programme
The Workshop goal is to stimulate broad discussion of two related issues:
- New, methodologically interesting challenges in the fields of demographic and actuarial work, especially in New Zealand,
- The possibilities for research collaboration with academia, to address these challenges.
Well known and active demographers and actuaries will give invited contributions to the discussion of the Workshop topics. For further details of all speakers, please see the programme. Attendance at the Workshop is free of charge, but completion of a very simple registration process is required for catering purposes. Please register below (

Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Campus - Murphy Building Annex (attached to the Murphy building, but on the uphill side), Kelburn Parade, Level 6 (the top floor of the Annex - use the lifts in the Murphy building), Room MY 632, 12.30-5.00pm. Murphy building is at grid reference d22 on the Kelburn Campus map available from the travel and accommodation webpage, which describes travel and accommodation options for visitors to Wellington and to Victoria University. We have reserved five car parking spaces which can be used by people travelling to the Workshop: space numbers 0068, 0069, 0070, 0071, 0072 at the rear side (Harbour side) of Alan MacDiarmid Building. However, please note these spaces are relatively far away from the Murphy building; please use the campus map to guide you to the Workshop location if you make use of those car parks, which are at grid reference j13. The start time is now 12.30pm (
Registration - Closed
The Workshop is at capacity so registration has now closed (20/6/13). Please email John Haywood or Ginny Whatarau with further queries.Programme
Clicking on the titles of the presentations below will open a copy of the presentation: either PowerPoint or pdf. Here is a (pdf version) of the programme.Speaker | Description | Start time | Finish Time |
David Bibby, PVC Science, Victoria University | Welcome | 12.30 | 12.40 |
Estate Khmaladze, Professor of Statistics, Victoria University | Statistical methods for demographers and actuaries: the book review | 12.40 | 13.25 |
Estate Khmaladze, Professor of Statistics, Victoria University | Information on the SPFI Programme at Victoria | 13.25 | 13.40 |
BREAK | Refreshments | 13.40 | 14.00 |
Kim Dunstan, Senior Demographer, Statistics New Zealand | Demographic challenges and statistical developments | 14.00 | 14.30 |
Leigh Roberts, Economics and Finance, Victoria University | Run offs and run outs: extending the life table to other disciplines | 14.30 | 15.00 |
Natalie Jackson, NIDEA Director, Waikato University | What is on a (New Zealand) demographer's mind? | 15.00 | 15.30 |
BREAK | Refreshments | 15.30 | 15.45 |
Paul Rhodes, President, NZ Society of Actuaries | Earthquakes, catastrophes, and the RBNZ solvency standards | 15.45 | 16.00 |
Richard Brookes, Taylor Fry Consulting Actuaries | Price optimisation for personal lines insurance | 16.00 | 16.15 |
Eric Judd, ACC; Paul Rhodes, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Geoff Rashbrooke, Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University |
PANEL DISCUSSION Actuarial valuations in the public sector |
16.15 | 16.45 |
Everyone | General discussion | 16.45 | 17.00 |
Everyone | Networking, at the Staff bar (at your own expense) ![]() |
17.00 | ?? |
Organising Committee: John Haywood, Estate Khmaladze and Ginny Whatarau. Website Editor: John Haywood.