
Conference programme

Please note all contributed talks are 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions and room change.

Timetable, updated 28 Jan (PDF)

Full conference booklet including abstracts, updated 28 Jan (PDF)

Timetable changes:
  • Naoyuki Ishimura - Mon 12.20 Heaphy
  • Daisuke Furihata - Wed 11.20 Heaphy
  • Takuya Tsuchiya - Thu 11.40 Riwaka
  • John Butcher - Thu 12.00 Riwaka

Women in Mathematical Sciences Lunch

The 2019 Women in Mathematical Sciences ANZIAM Lunch will be held on Tuesday 5 February. This event is being held under the umbrella of the Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG) of the Australian Mathematical Society. It is free to all registrants at ANZIAM 2019 that wish to attend, regardless of gender or membership of WIMSIG. We are grateful to Prof. Kate Smith-Miles for providing financial support from her Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowship and to Te Pūnaha Matatini for financial support.
The purpose of the lunch is to support women, and particularly early career researchers, to enter and establish careers in mathematics. Come along and hear about the careers of the ANZIAM 2019 female plenary speakers, to discuss issues concerning women in mathematics in Australia and New Zealand, and to network with fellow WIMSIG members and supporters. Check out the WIMSIG website for information on/advice from the female plenary speakers at this and past ANZIAM and AustMS conferences.
Registration for this lunch is required for catering purposes. To register simply tick the relevant box on the conference registration form.

Alex McNabb Special Session

There will be a half day Special Session in honour of Alex McNabb DSc, FRSNZ one of New Zealand’s leading real-world mathematicians. This is provisionally scheduled for Wednesday morning. If you would like more information please contact Graeme Wake.

ANZIAM Student Support Scheme

Student members of ANZIAM can access funding to attend ANZIAM 2019 through the ANZIAM Student Support Scheme. The deadline is 8 weeks before the conference (7 December 2018).
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
anziam2019_timetable.pdfpdf anziam2019_timetable.pdf manage 141 K 28 Jan 2019 - 10:09 Main.plankm  
anziamhandbook2019_to_printers.pdfpdf anziamhandbook2019_to_printers.pdf manage 2 MB 29 Jan 2019 - 11:28 Main.plankm anziamhandbook2019.pdf
program-WIM-lunch2019_R2.pdfpdf program-WIM-lunch2019_R2.pdf manage 9 MB 15 Jan 2019 - 16:43 Main.plankm WIMSIG lunch programme