Transport from Wellington airport
The easiest way to get from Wellington airport to the Kapiti coast is to get an airport shuttle. You can book a shuttle online at
(select "Raumati Beach" as your destination if you are staying at the Raumati Sands; select "Paraparaumu beach" as your destination if you are staying in Ocean Motel or Kapiti Court Motel);
or at
(where you can specify your hotel).
Conference location
The talks will be at the hall of the
Kapiti Uniting Parish, 27 Raumati Rd, Raumati Beach. This is a short walk from the Raumati Sands.
Participants staying in Paraparaumu beach can take bus 260:
Bus to Napier
For those people traveling on to the summer school at Napier, we will be arranging a bus. The cost will be approximately $55 per person.
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