Statistical Reliability and Maintenance Modeling
(in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry)
Guest Co-Editors:
Dear Colleagues,
In this special issue/section we will focus on statistical reliability and maintenance modeling in business and industry. Any submissions to the special issue/section are requested to be extended versions of the original workshop papers, which were presented at 4th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM2010, 2-4 Dec 2010). Preferred formats for the text and tables for your submission are .doc, .rtf, .ppt, .xls. LaTeX files may be submitted provided that an .eps or .pdf file is provided in addition to the source files. Figures may be provided in .tiff or .eps. format. ASMBI does not accept Microsoft Word 2007 documents at this time. Please send the electronic file (in PDF format) of your submission to one of the Guest Editors before 1 March 2011 for consideration. For more information regarding the preparation of the manuscript, please visit the journal website at
Editorial Schedule:
- 1 March 2011: Submission deadline for the special issue
- 1 May 2011: Completion of the first round of reviews. Notification of acceptance/conditional acceptance
- 1 July 2011: (EXTENDED) Submission deadline for the revised papers
- 15 July 2011: Notification of acceptance/rejection