Visitors to the school
Below is a list of all current and expected visitors. If you would like
more information about a visitor, please talk to the Local Contact.
If any details are incorrect, inform the
School Office.
- Nicholas Witte
15/11/2022 to 14/11/2025
Research Field: Applied Mathematics
Home Institution: Massey University
Local Contact: Prof Mark McGuinness
- Christopher Atkin
04/05/2023 to 29/03/2025
Research Field: Global Analysis
Home Institution:
Local Contact: Ginny Whatarau
- Leigh Roberts - CO545
17/08/2023 to Unknown
Research Field:
Home Institution:
Local Contact: Ginny Whatarau
- Thomas Forster - CO425
09/01/2024 to 09/01/2025
Research Field: Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
Home Institution: University of Cambridge
Local Contact: Ginny Whatarau
- Daniela Costa Terra - CO532
04/04/2024 to 31/01/2025
Research Field: Statistical Image Analysis
Home Institution: Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais (IFMG)
Local Contact: Prof Alejandro Frery
- Ling Peng - CO545
08/04/2024 to 20/03/2025
Research Field: Data Science & AI
Home Institution: Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Local Contact: AProf Ivy Liu
- Hui Zhang - CO435
11/07/2024 to 15/07/2025
Research Field: Data fusion for remotely sensed environmental data from heterogeneous sources
Home Institution: College of Electronic Information Engineering. Inner Mongolia University, China
Local Contact: Prof Alejandro Frery
- Shuyi Yao - CO532
18/09/2024 to 30/09/2025
Research Field: Shuyi Yao will work on the statistical properties of interferometric data obtained by polarimetric sensors.
Home Institution: Wuhan University, China
Local Contact: Prof Alejandro Frery
- Anna Li - CO540
30/09/2024 to 30/09/2025
Research Field:
Home Institution:
Local Contact: AProf Ivy Liu
- Sarah Randal - CO546
01/10/2024 to 30/09/2026
Research Field: Working on the evidence and analysis that informs Higher Education policy and improves understanding of universities. She has developed interactive analytical tools that provide insight into pathways and outcomes of university students.
Home Institution: Universities NZ
Local Contact: AProf Ivy Liu
- Yutang Guo - CO540
15/10/2024 to 14/10/2025
Research Field:
Home Institution:
Local Contact: AProf Ivy Liu
- Yu Hayakawa - CO432
28/10/2024 to 02/02/2025
Research Field:
Home Institution: Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Local Contact: Prof Richard Arnold
- Lu Zhu - CO545
14/11/2024 to 04/04/2025
Research Field: Data Science & AI
Home Institution: Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Local Contact: AProf Ivy Liu
- Stijn Servaas - CO437
20/11/2024 to 21/01/2025
Research Field: Telemetry and kiwi
Home Institution: University of Twente
Local Contact: Prof Stephen Marsland
- Mengying Wang - CO532
08/01/2025 to 30/09/2025
Research Field: Data Science
Home Institution: Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Local Contact: AProf Ivy Liu
- Nathan Brownlowe - CO532
03/02/2025 to 07/02/2025
Research Field: Operator Algebra and Rings and Algebras
Home Institution: University of Sydney
Local Contact: Dr Becky Armstrong
- Sione Paea - CO532
15/02/2025 to 15/03/2025
Research Field: Applied maths - industrial mathematics & card sorting
Home Institution: USP, Fiji
Local Contact: Prof Mark McGuinness