This page is currently under development - please contact the School Office or the Careers team for careers information.

Postgraduate Teaching Qualifications

The Faculty of Education at Victoria University offers two teaching qualifications for graduates interested in applying for 2015 or beyond - the Master of Teaching and Learning and the Graduate Diploma of Teaching.

Information about these is attached and can be found on the websites:

and here is a comparison of these pathways.

Almost all maths/stats secondary teaching graduates get jobs before completion of their teaching qualification, with the rest winning jobs in the following year. Secondary school teaching is a wonderful career and the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations research maintains good links with the faculty of Education and with secondary teachers in the Wellington region.

If you would like to talk with someone about the programmes, please contact Dr Robin Averill, Senior Lecturer and Curriculum Leader in Mathematics Education, phone +64-4-463 9714.