Australasian Computing Doctoral Consortium (ACDC'09), Jan 19th 2009

The ACDC provides an opportunity for doctoral students to present their research topics and early results and receive advice and constructive commentary from research experts. Submissions are invited from current PhD students in computing who would benefit from feedback on their research by a panel of established researchers. The consortium will operate in a workshop format to provide guidance for each student’s future progress. It will contain at least 2 presentations by distinguished academic/supervisors on the challenges and approaches to succeed on a PhD program. Up to ten applicants will be invited to present their work during ACSW 2009, and experts will be invited to attend the presentation and discuss each student’s work. These selected applicants will receive complimentary ACSW 2009 student conference registration, accommodation and meals for Monday the 19th of January 2009. Note, however, that ACDC will not provide travel costs, but possible support from CORE may be available, so applicants are requested to indicate if such support is absolutely necessary for participation. It is also recommended that other PhD students attend the workshop in order to become aware of the different aspects that constitute the strategies and approaches to successfully complete the research agenda of a doctoral programInvited Presenters
Dr. James Noble (New Zealand)Doctoral Consortium Award
A Doctoral Consortium Award will be presented for the best presentation on the day.Eligibility
Students wishing to participate in ACDC should have been enrolled in a PhD program in any area of computing in any CORE university in Australia or New Zealand for between one and 2.5 years by the time of submission.A Letter of Nomination from either the Head of Department or School or Faculty, detailing the students they are nominating, must be available upon request.
Each submission should be no longer than FOUR pages including the text, references, figures, and tables. The submission should clearly specify:- Student’s full name, affiliation, address, email address, and phone number.
- Student’s PhD enrolment date.
- Title of thesis.
- Keywords.
- Key references.
- Research problem.
- Methodology.
- Preliminary results.
- Area in which expert advice is sought.
Selection Criteria
The selection will be based on the quality of the four-page submission by a panel.Format of Submission
All initial submissions must be in PDF format (paper size: A4) and be submitted electronically via this website. The exact details will bye updated closer to the submission date.There is no style requirement for initial submissions.