Example Pathways

In each case, a course is emboldened when it contributes to the relevant major/minor or is a prerequisite for such a course.


With an emphasis on Mathematical Statistics

Major in Statistics (with a Mathematical Statistics emphasis)

Minor in Statistics (with an Mathematical Statistics emphasis)

With an emphasis on Applied Statistics

Major in Statistics (with an Applied Statistics emphasis)

Minor in Statistics (with an Applied Statistics emphasis)


With an emphasis on Analysis

Major in Mathematics (with an Analysis emphasis)

Minor in Mathematics (with an Analysis emphasis)

  Trimester 1 Trimester 2
Year 1 MATH 141: Calculus 1A* MATH 142: Calculus 1B
MATH 151: Algebra  
+75 further pts
*Students with a strong record of NCEA Level 3 Mathematics may be exempt.
Year 2 MATH 212: Introduction to Real Analysis MATH 251: Linear Algebra
+60 further pts
Year 3 MATH 318: Hilbert Spaces MATH 381: Special Topic: Complex Analysis
+90 further pts

With an emphasis on Discrete Mathematics

Major in Mathematics (with a Discrete Mathematics emphasis)

Minor in Mathematics (with a Discrete Mathematics emphasis)

With an emphasis on Applied Mathematics

Major in Mathematics (with an Applied Mathematics emphasis)

Minor in Mathematics (with an Applied Mathematics emphasis)

  Trimester 1 Trimester 2
Year 1 MATH 141: Calculus 1A* MATH 142: Calculus 1B
MATH 151: Algebra
+75 further pts
*Students with a strong record of NCEA Level 3 Mathematics may be exempt.
Year 2 MATH 244: Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 243: Multivariable Calculus
MATH 245: Computational Mathematics
+75 further pts
Year 3  
Any one of MATH 301: Partial Differential Equations or MATH 321: Introduction to Applied Mathematics
+105 further pts

Data Science

Major in Data Science

Minor in Data Science

  Trimester 1 Trimester 2
Year 1 : STAT 193: Statistics in Practice
  COMP 132
+75 further pts
Year 2 DATA 202: Data Management and Programming DATA 201: Techniques of Data Science
STAT 292: Applied Statistics  
+75 further pts
Year 3 DATA 303: Statistics for Data Science  
+105 further pts

Actuarial Science

Major in Actuarial Science

  Trimester 1 Trimester 2
Year 1 MATH 151: Algebra MATH 142: Calculus 1B
ECON 141 MATH 177: Probability and Decision Modelling
ACCY 130 ECON 130
+30 further pts
Year 2 MATH 277: Mathematical Statistics FINA 202
ECON 201  
ACTS 201  
+60 further pts
Year 3   STAT 335: Statistical Models for Actuarial Science
  ACTS 301
  FINA 306
*+15 pts from 200- or 300-level FINA, MATH, or STAT
+60 further pts

Minor in Actuarial Science

  Trimester 1 Trimester 2
Year 1 ECON 141 MATH 142: Calculus 1B
  MATH 177: Probability and Decision Modelling
Year 2 ACTS 201  
MATH 277: Mathematical Statistics  
Year 3 ACTS 301  
  Any one of ACTS 336, ECON 201, FINA 201, FINA 202, FINA 303, FINA 306, MATH 377: Probability and Random Processes, STAT 335: Statistical Models for Actuarial Science