Wellington Workshop in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 November 2009

Update [29 Oct 09]: The current timetable for the two afternoons may be found here.
Update [29 Oct 09]: Plan for social events on Tuesday 3 November, evening (with participants paying their own expenses):
Drinks from 6pm in the Hawthorn Lounge (at 82 Tory Street).Update [29 Oct 09]: The current list of abstracts may be found here.
Workshop Dinner, starting at 7.15pm, in Restaurant 88 (at 88 Tory Street, just 3 doors up from the Hawthorn Lounge).
Update [22 Oct 09]: The workshop venue is room MY 632 in the Murphy Building at Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn campus.
Programme Committee: Prof Estate Khmaladze and Prof David Vere-Jones. Organising Committee: Estate Khmaladze, Richard Arnold, Stefanka Chukova, John Haywood and Yuichi Hirose. Relatively short, clear and focused presentations in probability theory and mathematical statistics are welcome. Presentations in applied problems are also welcome, provided they are based on interesting and novel mathematical models. All presentations will be by invitation, following submissions from interested participants. All will have 35 minutes for a talk + 5 min for questions. The style of the Workshop, and its organisation, will be completely non-bureaucratic and straightforward. Instead, we will do all we can to ensure the high quality of presented material, plus clarity and simplicity of the presentations. The workshop will be held on the Kelburn campus of Victoria University of Wellington (Room: Murphy Building, MY 632).
(Click here for information about travel and accommodation for visitors to Wellington.) Please note that there are no costs associated with attending or presenting at the workshop. However, there will be drinks (from 6pm in the Hawthorn Lounge) and a workshop dinner (at 7.15pm in Restaurant 88, about 3 doors up Tory Street from the Hawthorn Lounge) on the evening of Tuesday 3 November, which will be at the expense of each participant. Please contact Estate.Khmaladze@msor.vuw.ac.nz if you are interested in attending, or presenting at the Workshop. The current list of abstracts may be found here, and the current timetable here.