10th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (ACGRG10)

Wellington, New Zealand

Kelburn Campus, Te Toki a Rata Lecture Theatre 1

Welcome reception Monday 9 December from 16:30 to 18:30 in the Te Toki a Rata foyer.

See the map (note: North is not on top in this map).

The building is on Kelburn parade and can easily be reached with the local bus lines 18e, 21, 22, and 37.

All other lectures/workshop will take place either in the Te Toki a Rata foyer, or in Te Toki a Rata lecture theatre 1 (TTRLT1).

Conference Dinner:

The conference dinner will be on Thursday 12 december at 19:00 hours at Tulsi.

Tulsi is an Indian restuarant in the Cuba Mall next to the Bristol Pub and close to Ghuznee street.

Important Travel Information

Since 1 October 2019, you will need to apply for a NZeTa even if you are from a visa waiver country. NZ citizens travelling on an NZ passport, and Australian citizens travelling on an Australian passport do not need to worry about this. Processing can take up to three days (but also as little as 10min), so please apply early enough. Apply through Immigration New Zealand. The application costs NZD12.00, or NZD9.00 if you use INZ's online app. If you are not from a visa waiver country and entering New Zealand please ensure that you also have a valid visa.



The next meeting in the biennial series of conferences organised by the Australasian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (ASGRG) will be hosted by Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in the second week of December. There will be a welcome reception on the evening of Monday 9th December, and the scientific program will run from Tuesday 10th to Friday 13th December inclusive.

The main campus of Victoria University of Wellington is situated on a hill with a prime view of central Wellington, New Zealand’s administrative capital and a city with a population of just over 400,000 on the north coast of the Cook Strait. Popular tourist attractions include the Museum, Zoo, Art Gallery, the Zealandia ecosanctuary, the iconic Cable Car that runs close to the University, and the historic Carter Observatory in the Botanic Garden.

Registrations will formally close on the 8th December 2019.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is now past.

Further details regarding registration, accommodation, plenary speakers, submission of papers etc, are available on the sidebar.

The Program is still to be finalized; a draft programme is available on the sidebar.

If you have any queries please contact the School of Mathematics and Statistics.